How to clean your Trampoline


The trampoline provides more entertainment and health benefits such as strengthening muscles, bones, reduces fat and work related stress. But after some time you can find a lots of dust, debris and twigs over the surface of the trampoline mat. It is important to clean it regularly to make it more clean and shiny.

If you are going to clean the trampoline for the first time, then you may not know the proper procedure for cleaning the trampoline without any residue, but the process is not very complicated follow the below steps and it just requires little time to clean.

8 Steps to Clean a Trampoline Mat

The trampoline mats play a vital role for jumping on the trampoline and it absorbs 80 percent impact. The trampoline requires regular cleaning due to the debris, dirt, messy hand and feet.

Sometimes it leaves a black layer of dirt when you use the trampoline, also it is unsafe for both children and adults.

Read this article to get more ideas for cleaning the mat. All you need is a broom, bucket, brushes, hose, and clean towels.

1) Remove Safety Netting:

If you are having a trampoline with safety netting, then remove it or raise the ring temporarily for starting the cleaning process.

2) Clear the surface:

Try to remove some dirt like leaves or small twigs that are present on the top of the mat and then remove any trampoline accessories.

3) Sweep The Mat:  

The next step is sweeping the map using a broom and don’t use any gardening tools like spades, shovels, and rakes etc for cleaning the surface of the trampoline mat. If you remove all the dirt, then it is important to check the mat to find whether it has any damage or not. While jumping even the small hole will enlarge and if you see any kinds of damage try to replace the mat.

4) Prepare the Cleaning Solution:

Just fill the bucket with water and add a little amount of mild detergents like a regular antibacterial soap or liquid dish soap. You can also use your favorite cleaning liquids and make sure it do not contain any harsh chemical because it will dim the color of your mat.

5) Soak the Mat:

Spray the prepared solution over the entire mat and leave it for some time until it soaks completely. If you start scrubbing before this step, then you need to clean it hardly and there are high chances for your mat getting damaged.

6) Scrub the Mat:

Take some soft scrubbing brushes like nylon bristle and clean the mat gently in circular motion, start from the spring pads and move towards the center to remove all the dirt.  

7) Rinse the Mat:

After scrubbing the entire surface, adjust the settings of the hose to main, with low water pressure,rinse away the soap until the trampoline mat is completely clean. Make sure you rinse it without leaving the soap because the residue of the solvent can reduce the quality of the fiber.  

8) Dry the Mat:

If you pat the wet surface with the towel, it will absorb the water which stays on the mat , allow it for some time to make it dry completely because even the little moisture makes the surface slippery while jumping. Try to place the trampoline in the sunlight and don’t use the leaf blower to speed up the drying process.

Things to Avoid

  • The high pressure water jet will affect the fiber of the mat.
  • Never use bleach for cleaning because it will create holes
  • Allow it to dry properly

Bottom Line

Hope you got a clear idea for cleaning the trampoline and make sure you are performing the action at least once in a month.

Follow the above steps to clean your trampoline and share us your experience through the comment section below.


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